Centro per la Famiglia Lares
Distretto Sanitario di Ozieri

Via Leonardo Tola n. 20 — OZIERI

Telefono: 079/4124774

Cellulare: 379/1241145

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Real estate agency

Questa sezione è stata pensata al fine di raccogliere idee, curiosità, opinioni e

proposte sui Servizi del Centro LARES e aprire un confronto. 

  1. Andy
  2. LARES
  3. Sabato, 12 Ottobre 2024
  4.  Iscriviti via mail
Real Estate Agency in UAE HOME & JOY: Your reliable partner in the world of real estate and immigration issues
HOME & JOY is a real estate in uae that is distinguished not only by the professionalism of its staff, but also by its deep understanding of its clients' needs. We offer free consultations with real estate experts and immigration managers to ensure our clients fully understand all aspects of the transaction and relocation process.
We pride ourselves on the fact that our agency provides the highest level of service. Our clients can rest assured that we will support them at every stage of buying, selling or renting a property. We offer not only advice, but also active participation in negotiations, protecting the client's interests and assisting with the necessary procedures.
Our team has extensive experience in real estate and immigration matters, which allows us to provide our clients with the most relevant and professional solutions. We strive to make each client feel confident and supported in all their decisions and actions.
HOME & JOY is not just a real estate agency, it is your trusted partner who is always ready to meet your needs and help you achieve your goals. Trust the professionals, trust HOME & JOY.
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Centro per la Famiglia Lares

Il Centro per la Famiglia “LARES” è un servizio storico pubblico e gratuito del PLUS – Distretto Sanitario di Ozieri, comprendente 16 Comuni: Ozieri, Anela, Ardara, Benetutti, Bono, Bottidda, Bultei, Burgos, Esporlatu, Illorai, Ittireddu, Mores, Nughedu San Nicolò, Nule, Pattada, Tula. Nato nel 2009, negli anni ha subito un’evoluzione in base alle richieste e ai bisogni presentati.

Orari di apertura

Dal Lunedì al Giovedì
dalle ore 09:00 alle ore 14:00
dalle ore 15:00 alle ore 18:30
Venerdì dalle ore 09:00 alle ore 14:00






Dove siamo

  • Via Leonardo Tola n. 20 — OZIERI
  • 079 4124774
  • 379 1241145
  • coordinamentolares@hotmail.it
  • centroperlafamiglia.lares@pec.it

Distretto Sanitario di Ozieri

Progetto realizzato con il contributo della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna

Sardegna Stemma